Books I've Read Since Summer 2011

  • Boy by Roald Dahl
  • Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyers
  • Crank by Ellen Hopkins
  • Eclipse by Stephanie Meyers
  • Harry Potter # 1 by JK Rowling
  • How To Save A Life by Sara Zarr
  • Kiki Stike Inside Shadow City by Kirsten Miller
  • Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe by CS Louis
  • Macbeth by Shakespeare
  • New Moon by Stephanie Meyers
  • Stiches by David Smalls
  • The BFG by Roald Dahl
  • The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahari
  • Twilight by Stephanie Meyers
  • What My Boyfriend Doesn't Know by Sonya Sones
  • What My Mother Doesn't Know by Sonya Sones
  • Witches by Roald Dahl

Two Favorite Blogs

                 I've read alot of blogs that were on Ms.Galangs homepage and I thought that alot of them were really good! Filled with details and there was alot of elaboration and etc. I think that two of the best blogs were Wisons and Guadalupes!

                 I think Wisons blog was really good because he defenitly had one idea that he was talking about in the blog and he really elaborated on each idea. Also the ideas that he chose were really interesting. In one of his blogs he talked about the writing format and how that affects the reading and I thought that was really interesting!

                 I also liked Guadalupe's because her blog is really organized into different sections and I feel as if she really knows what shes talking about and she gets her point through very clearly. For example, in one of her blogs, she talks about how an animal can be a dogs best friend and she states her reasons why very clearly! I think she could elaborate more but the point she got through was really good!

Keep up the good work you guys!

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