Books I've Read Since Summer 2011

  • Boy by Roald Dahl
  • Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyers
  • Crank by Ellen Hopkins
  • Eclipse by Stephanie Meyers
  • Harry Potter # 1 by JK Rowling
  • How To Save A Life by Sara Zarr
  • Kiki Stike Inside Shadow City by Kirsten Miller
  • Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe by CS Louis
  • Macbeth by Shakespeare
  • New Moon by Stephanie Meyers
  • Stiches by David Smalls
  • The BFG by Roald Dahl
  • The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahari
  • Twilight by Stephanie Meyers
  • What My Boyfriend Doesn't Know by Sonya Sones
  • What My Mother Doesn't Know by Sonya Sones
  • Witches by Roald Dahl

Monologue and Essay about Coming Of Age

Aarti Chopra, aged 16, a high scholar going to Brooklyn College Academy, my cousin, is wearing a plain white tee shirt, her basketball team logo shorts “The Bobcats”, a dog tag, and hair tied back in a ponytail. She dribbles her basketball as she is speaking. She doesn’t seem to take the interview very seriously, and she’s roaming around in place on the porch. She walks around but then when she’s talking about something, she stops walking and her voice tone gets stronger and louder.

Don’t Judge Monologue by Pooja Chopra

Before I used to be mad conscious about what people thought about me, how they think about me, how they talk about me and stuff

When I was little
I was a
tomboy, and well
I still am (grins, and winks)
And all my,
Like I had best friends that were girls and boys
But mostly boys
And many people would say
“Oh she’s a thirsty hoe because she’s hangin’ out with all the guys and she
Doesn’t like females la la la la la”

I was mad conscious
Like I started being mad girly and shit
Like I would wear hoops and earings
And I wasn’t into that typa shit
But like I still wear hoops but I wasn’t into that back then
Because like
I was being mad girly more then I was being myself
Like I started feeling mad uncomfortable

But then I realized that like
Its better to be yourself because its easier
You won’t be
And now its just like
I don’t give a shit what people think about me because when I do me
I’m prosperous for myself and when I’m prosperous for myself
The people around me
Will also be prosperous as well
And like what made me change that about myself is that like

Yo its just mad fake yanno
Like I was unhappy and shit
Why should I care about what you think?
Are you me?
Do you know what I’ve been through?
You know my name but you don’t know my story

And um
When I signed up for stuff like
And stuff
Well mostly tumblr
Like Facebook is so fake
Because like
I don’t understand the concept of you
Tiny ass teenagers
Well I’m still a teenager
But y’all addin’ people that you don’t like
What is wrong witchu
Y’all not friends so why you addin each other..
Stupid hoes
And um
I just wanna say that Tumblr is good
Because like
You can express yourself in a
Visual way
And people don’t judge you as much as they do on Facebook
And I just think that

And I just think that
I don’t know
Judging people is stupid
Like if I see a girl
I won’t be like
“she’s ugly I won’t talk to her”
Like no
Shut up

When I first found out we had to do an interview I knew just who to interview. My cousin! I think interviewing my cousin was a very good experience because I’m very close to her and I found out more about the way she thinks and how she feels about different things. At first I was sort of nervous because I didn’t want my cousin to think that the questions were really dorky or that she wouldn’t give me enough details for the interview but she did. In the beginning of the interview I thought that the interview was just going to be a boring old interview and I didn’t really care about it but then as the interview went by I became my intrigued in what my cousin was saying. I think some difficulties that I had was that I wanted to just start a conversation with my cousin after each answer she had because I wanted to reply to that but I just had to ask more questions so that kinda sucked. Something that went well was that I was very focused in what my cousin was saying and she gave me very detailed responses. Overall I think that the interview went very well and I feel very good about interviewing my cousin.

I definitely learned a lot about my cousin. I think that an overall general topic that my cousin discussed was people and who she is as a person, what she thinks of other people, what she thinks is wrong and right. For example in the interview she said that she thinks people who smoke weed and get high is stupid because they can’t seem to find fun in anything other than drugs. Also I learned about the people that she respects like her old basketball coach because he was a fatherly figure. I learned that I actually take up a lot of my cousin’s life and she really loves me because when I asked her about favorite memories she talked about the sleepovers that me and her had.

I think that this coming of age unit was actually very fun because I learned more about people and I think that its very interesting to hear different things from different points of view and what people think about topics. I think that the book “Am I Blue” and reading it was actually very interesting. I think that the book showed different perspectives. In the book a young child is gay and he gets bullied and the book is from the perspective of him and how he feels. In the end of the book, he feels much stronger. I think that this is a very interesting aspect of coming of age. I think this because in regular books you don’t really see a general change over a specific issue, its just a big change in the story but in a coming of age book you see a change in the character. 

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