Books I've Read Since Summer 2011

  • Boy by Roald Dahl
  • Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyers
  • Crank by Ellen Hopkins
  • Eclipse by Stephanie Meyers
  • Harry Potter # 1 by JK Rowling
  • How To Save A Life by Sara Zarr
  • Kiki Stike Inside Shadow City by Kirsten Miller
  • Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe by CS Louis
  • Macbeth by Shakespeare
  • New Moon by Stephanie Meyers
  • Stiches by David Smalls
  • The BFG by Roald Dahl
  • The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahari
  • Twilight by Stephanie Meyers
  • What My Boyfriend Doesn't Know by Sonya Sones
  • What My Mother Doesn't Know by Sonya Sones
  • Witches by Roald Dahl

Review: Much Ado About Nothing

This week all of Ms.Galangs got to see the play "Much Ado About Nothing" and its based on a Shakespearian play. I think that the play was great especially because I love watching comedies and it was something that I wasn't really expecting. When I think of Shakespeare, I think of a proper play that litterally bores me. But Much Ado About Nothing was very intriguing and very interesting!

I think that my favorite character would be Beatrice because shes very independant, an amazing singer, and I think that her role really does stand out. I think that this play shows how a character can change because in the beginning of the play she seemed very free and that life is fun and shes just having a great time but then later in the play she becomes a little more concious about whats going on around her.

In the play there are alot of issues for example there are alot of love triangles, betrayal, rumors, friendship problems, death, and marriage and friendship and also trust. The play was sorta confusing because I couldn't really tell what was going on because of how the space was used and all the props that were being used. They didn't use alot of props which was sorta weird but I think very unique. Also there was a big black circle hole thing and I think that that was very interesting because it seems to symbolize alot of things for example, time and mood. 

In general I think that the play was overall okay. It was suprising intriguing but at times it was a little confusing. But it was pretty good and I think that each character had an important role and it was shown properly. 

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